Friday, December 4, 2009

To agree or to desagree?

The thing is,that lots of "childrens"want to vote.Exemple: A boy with 16 years,nowadays they want to vote.But,nobody should be allowed to vote before they reach the age of 18.
Many people believe that the age of 18,they can be responsible enough and aware of thingsto decide who will be the goverment of your country.But,they have to knownthat it isn't as simple as this.Children don't have maturity to choose theis delegate.
However,because nowadays children want to give their opinion to show for the older people that they can be responsible to ballot the delegates.Some children,have good points,and good arguments.
I'm absolutely convinced that people under 18,can't vote,because they don't have the necessary arguments.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Make a difference. Be different"

Hi there! My name is Pedro, I'm 15 years old and I'm from Niterói. I have a huge family which lives in different places of Brazil, but all of them were born in Minas Gerais. My family is not usual at all, maybe that's why I'm a little bit unusual. I'm not even close of a chatterbox, but my close friends ask me to shut up sometimes. I'm not that good of making new friendships, because I'm a little shy, but I'm getting better now. Maybe I don't talk that much because there's always something in my head. I'm a musician, I play the guitar since I was 9, and now I'm starting to learn drums and I'm picking some singing lessons too, even though I'm not that good. I can't live without music, actually it's so hard to define my favourite kind of music, because you can find every kind on my iPod, except funk, pagode and all that Brazilian trash, and most of the bands that I like are unknown here in Brazil. I also have many stories to tell. I've already had girlfriends via Internet, so I have mano stories about my travels to meet them. That's why I'm a writter and a composer too. Most of the things that I write are about my stories, and I'm always writing about something. It's a way of making me feel more relaxed and for me it's a good way to put everything that has been in my mind on a piece of paper. I have a blog which I post everything that I want, including the things that I write, maybe some lyrics too. Like I said, I'm not a usual at all, and that phrase that I wrote on the title is one of the many phrases that I use to define me. I think that's all, If you like it, vote for me (:
oh, and one more thing - here's my blog - you can check it out if you want (:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Visit the other Plus 4 blog to vote now!

Go to and vote for the best profile. There's a new deadline so you can still vote.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Me myself and I...

<- That's me! My name is Bruna Lofeu. I spent most of my childhood in Cabo Frio but I come from a big family from Niterói. I am 16 years old and I'm studying now at Salesianos.
About me... I am short and I have wavy brown hair. My family and friends know that I am such a joker, but I know when I have to stop. I can be serious too. I'm a calm person but I need my friends and family by my side to be ok. I love spending my time with them. Playing, chating...
I'm not a lazy person like my mum says. The thing is that sometimes I'm tired of school and I need to relax a bit. So, I spend hours on the computer talking to the friends that I can't see very frequently.
One thing that I do and love doing is playing handball. I really like it. It's the way I found to take off all the bad things of my soul and relax for another big day. But is just a hobby.
I'm open to making new friends. I hope you enjoy my profile!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I've live in Niterói since I was born and I spent most of my childhood in Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis and Arraial do Cabo.
I've always been really into going to the beach and playing sports. I love the sea, it's a misterious connexion, and sports make me feel good and healthy.
I'm interested in international movies, series and music, I always do one of those three things in my free time. About my studies, I'm in the nineth grade and I still have two years before my English Course finishes. I'm thinking of choosing a professional carrear related to maths, science or social comunication, like an engineer or a journalist and I intend to live in Rio de Janeiro when I get married.
I'd love to be choosed because I'm sure that my personality will contribute a lot and I've always dreamt of being in a program like that.

(Rachel, I post this composition again because you said that I have to edit it until the PC2, so that you could change my mark, and I didn't get how to edit a composition that I have already post as it is not appearing a place to click and do it. It is appearing only in the most recents compositions, not the one that I want. Ok?!)

That's just me :)

Hello! My name is Isabela and I’m 16 years old. I live in Niterói with my parents and my sister, Fernanda. Since I was a little girl, my parents have been teaching me how to be a better person, so I think the most special thing I have to offer is my character. But I’m also a very good listener and a great friend, as I’m always ready to help. Moreover, I really enjoy reading, listening to music, running, dancing, watching movies, writing and hanging out with my friends. Sometimes, I can be such a joker too! I try to live one day at a time and I believe we can learn a lot just by paying attention to everyday situations.
At the moment, I’m still in High School, but I intend to go to Law School. I hope one day I can make a difference in this crazy world, so I start by now(in the present, because kindness generates kindness).
Anyway, because of all that, I think I would have a lot to contribute to people in the reality show and I hope you choose me.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Helping people is the most important thing to do!

My name is Jaqueline Akemi Yamazuka and I live in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, but I’m originally from São Paulo, SP. I came to Niterói when I was six years old because my parents had the spelling to open their company. I come from a big family. In fact, my father's family is Japanese, so I can say I have many relatives in Japan. I always dream of going there.
At the moment, I study in Marília Mattoso. I’m currently studying English in Cultura Inglesa and I hope this will help me get a good job and can open some doors for me. I’m also interested in being a model. However I don’t want this to be my job, just a hobby, because what I really want to do is go to university to study “public relations”.
I'm really into making friends, and all the friends that I have say that I’m the most friendly and credibly person that they have seen. Moreover they say that a I’m a bit of a nerd, I don’t agree, but... I’m a chatterbox with them and I’m not shy with peoples. I love all types of music and dancing them too. I love to read books. I think that is necessary to do sports so I practice volleyball and play handball in the school team.
I’d love to be chosen. I think that my profile is very real and interesting because my motto is always helping others.