Thursday, October 8, 2009

A bad day....

Life is very strange, sometimes everything is goig on perfectly. But don’t fooled yourself because everything can change in a few minutes. Like something that happened with me on the last vacation.
I went to my cousin’s house in São Paulo-Pindamonhangaba with a friend, Carol. It was raining and chilly there, so we had to stay at home all the time. But this wasn’t the problem at all. “Pinda” as they call there, is a small town so you really don’t have anything to do. Except eating. But my friend and I were very creative and we were always doing something. I told you that this wasn’t the problem. The problem appeared when we were coming back home. My parents weren’t in SP with me, so we had to catch a bus to Rio alone. Suddenly at the middle of the road (Dutra), the bus had broken and we had to stop and get out of the bus to wait for another that it was leaving São Paulo at 10am. But don’t forget that it was JUST 8am. We stayed there waiting for hours and nothing. So I decided to call my father to pick up us at a restaurant on the other side of the road. There I ate a lot because I spent hours waiting and I was starving.
How everything can gets better, something good had to happen that day. By the way I met a friend of mine and he stayed there with his parents waiting my father. We talked a lot, making the time pass faster. We got home safelly and I had a conclusion… I ‘ll never catch a bus to travel again, NEVER!

This story is based on real facts!

Kisses.... BrunaCury ;*

1 comment:

Bela said...

Wow! You might've had an exhaustive day, but you know what they say: It never rains but it pours! :/
Well, but at least you met a friend and ate a lot, so don't forget that every cloud has a silver lining!